Review forms

For teaching students how to read, write and review academic papers, I have created two different review forms – a Draft review form and a Paper review form.

The difference between these are the stage of maturity of the paper that is reviewed. The draft review form is designed to give feedback on the state of different parts of the paper (the template follows the IMRaD structure, but can be modified by the reviewer if necessary). The Paper review form is more of a standard review form that gives feedback on both the academic quality of the paper and technical issues corresponding to the template used for the paper. This form also have decisive questions for creating a real situation when accepting or rejecting for a conference.

Even though the papers are created to be used in an academic peer-review context for students, the review forms can be used as a stand-alone tool.

Please enjoy!


Draft review form

This form is created to give feedback on the different part of an academic paper or report. It can be used from the early skeleton stages to the final (almost finished) draft of a paper. This form is fairly universal and follows a basic IMRaD model along with the possibility to expand the form if other structures are used that demand more sections to be reviewed.

It can preferably be used to help training in giving and receiving peer-feedforward during the writing process.

Download the latest version here:

Paper review form

This form is created to give feedback on “completed” academic papers and reports. The form had three main sections providing feedback on the quality of the research, technical issues with the paper (towards any guidelines) and suggestions towards decision to accept/reject the paper.

It can preferably be used to help training in giving and receiving peer-feedforward at the end of the writing process.

Download the latest version here:

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.