List of Publications

“Time may change me. But I can’t trace time.”

David Bowie*

This is an interactive complete list of my publications from 2004 and onwards. Over the years I have published and presented papers within many different disciplines with a focus on media technology, interaction technology, human-computer interaction, marketing, business strategy, innovation, didactics, and printing technology.

If you want digital copies of any of the papers, please contact me and I will be happy to send you the files! Publication marked with the Open Access logo Open access or the Creative Commons logo can be downloaded free of charge from anywhere using the links on this page. Most of the other papers can be downloaded from publishers’ websites, however behind paywalls. Login though your Institution and you can (probably) access the files for free. Nevertheless, you can also just contact me, and I will share the papers with you for free.

Contact me if you find broken links or errors.

This list of publication is divided into the following categories:

References written according to APA7 Style.

List of Publications

(content updated: June 27, 2024)

Peer-reviewed journal articles (A)

Open access

(A8) Mejtoft, T., Lindahl, O., Öhberg, F., Pommer, L., Jonzén, K., Andersson, B. M., Eklund, A., Wåhlin, A., & Hallberg, P. (2022). Medtech Innovation Guide: An empiric model to support medical technology innovation. Health and Technology, 12(5), 911–922.
(issn: 2190-7196)
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Open access

(A7) Mårell-Olsson, E., Mejtoft, T., Tovedal, S., & Söderström, U. (2021). Opportunities and challenges of using socially intelligent agents: increasing interaction and school participation for children suffering from long-term illness. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 38(4), 393–411.
(issn: 2056-4880)
Download @ Emerald insight

Open access

(A6) Cripps, H., Singh, A. K., Mejtoft, T., & Salo, J. (2020). The Use of Twitter for Innovation in Business Markets. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 38(5), 587–601.
(issn: 0263-4503)
Download @ Emerald insight

(A5) Mejtoft, T. (2010). Moving closer to the customers: Effects of vertical integration in the Swedish commercial printing industry. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 18(7), 599–611.
(issn: 0965-254X/1466-4488)
Download @ Taylor & Francis Online

(A4) Hultén, P., Viström, M., & Mejtoft, T. (2009). New printing technology and pricing. Industrial Marketing Management, 38(3), 253–262.
(issn: 0019-8501)
Download @ ScienceDirect

(A3) Gidlund, Å., Mejtoft, T., & Demnert, S. (2008). Significance of print quality in variable data printing. TAGA Journal of Graphic Technology, 4(4), 179–191.
(issn: 1748-0345)
Read more @ Printing United Alliance

(A2) Mejtoft, T. (2007). Creation of customer value using digital printing in a dynamic business environment. TAGA Journal of Graphic Technology, 3(3), 128–143.
(issn: 1748-0345)
Read more @ Printing United Alliance

(A1) Mejtoft, T. (2006). Strategies for successful digital printing. Journal of Media Business Studies, 3(1), 53–74.
(issn: 1652-2354)
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Books and book chapters (B)

Bränberg, A., & Mejtoft, T. (in-press). Stöd i portföljskrivande – från kurs till portföljgrupper. In Å. Ryegård & K. Winka (Eds.), Antologi kring pedagogisk meritering. Mälardalens Universitet.
To be published in November 2024

(B8) Mejtoft, T., & Berglund, S. (2021). Design för webbgränssnitt. In P. Falkenberg Josefsson & M. Wiberg (Eds.), Introduktion till medieteknik (pp. 107–119). Lund, Sweden: Studentlitteratur.
(isbn: 978-91-44-14167-1)
Information @ Publisher’s website

(B7) Mårell-Olsson, E., Mejtoft, T., & Kinert, J. (2019). Virtual reality as an environment for learning: Facilitating a controlled environment for pupils with diagnosed concentration disorders. In I. Buchem, R. Klamma & F. Wild (Eds.), Perspectives on Wearable Enhanced Learning (WELL): Current Trends, Research, and Practice (pp. 367–384). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
(isbn: 978-3-319-64300-7)
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(B6) Jahnke, I., Mårell-Olsson, E., & Mejtoft, T. (2016). Organizing teaching in project teacher teams across established disciplines using wearable technology: Digital didactical designing, a new form of practice. In L. Leisyte & U. Wilkesmann (Eds.), Organizing academic work in higher education: Teaching, learning and identities (pp. 169–185). New York, NY: Routledge.
(isbn: 978-1-13890-990-8)
Information @ Publisher’s website

(B5) Mejtoft, T. (2014). Building relationships for survival: Coping media industry dynamics. In A. G. Woodside, R. Marshall & H. Pattinson (Eds.), Field Guide to Case Study Research in Business-to-Business Marketing and Purchasing. Advances in business marketing and purchasing, Volume 21 (pp. 39–59). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
(isbn: 978-1-78441-080-3; issn: 1069-0964)
Download @ Emerald insight

Open access

(B4) Appelgren, E., Leckner, S., & Mejtoft, T. (2014). Mediekonsumentens medvetna och omedvetna val. En nyckel till morgondagens mediekonsumtion. In U. Carlsson & U. Facht (Eds.), Mediesverige 2014: Statistik och analys (pp. 29–37). Göteborg, Sweden: Nordicom.
(isbn: 978-91-8947-179-4; issn: 1104-4829)
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(B3) Mejtoft, T. (2013). Moving closer to the customers: Effects of vertical integration in the Swedish commercial printing industry. In S. Wright (Ed.), Competitive Intelligence, Analysis and Strategy: Creating Organisational Agility (pp. 181–193). Abingdon: Routledge.
(isbn: 978-0-41563-128-0)
Information @ Publisher’s website

(B2) Mejtoft, T., & Nordin, Å. (2009). Cooperation and resource flexibility as competitive strategy: The case of the commercial printing industry. In A. Albarran, P. Faustino & R. Santos (Eds.), The Media as a Driver of the Information Society: Economics, Management, Policies and Technologies. Lisbon: MediaXXI/Formalpress.
(isbn: 978-989-8143-18-1)
Information @ Publishers website

(B1) Mejtoft, T., & Packmohr, S. (2009). Transaction costs and their influence on institutional arrangements in the Swedish printing industry. In A. Albarran, P. Faustino & R. Santos (Eds.), The Media as a Driver of the Information Society: Economics, Management, Policies and Technologies. Lisbon: MediaXXI/Formalpress.
(isbn: 978-9898-143-18-1)
Information @ Publishers website

Peer-reviewed conference publications (C)

Bergström, T., Söderström, U., & Mejtoft, T. (in-press). Beyond Predatory Practices: Ethical Game Design and Player Retention in the Gaming Industry. Accepted for presentation at the ECCE 2024 conference and publication in the conference proceedings by ACM.
To be published in October 2024

Söderström, U., Hedström, E., Lambertsson, K., & Mejtoft, T. (in-press). ChatGPT in education: Teachers’ and Students’ views. Accepted for presentation at the ECCE 2024 conference and publication in the conference proceedings by ACM.
To be published in October 2024

Open access

(C53) Wahlroos, A., Freidovich, L., Söderström, U., & Mejtoft, T. (2024). Balancing personalization and privacy: Towards personalized saving experience in banking apps for young adults. In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, S. Blatnik, R. W. H. Bons, K. Smit & M. Heikkilä (Eds.), 37th Bled eConference: Resilience Through Digital Innovation: Enabling the Twin Transition (pp. 453–461). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor University Press.
(isbn: 978-961-286-871-0)
Download @ University of Maribor Press

Open access

(C52) Mejtoft, T., Vejbrink Starbrink, N., Roos Morales, C., Norberg, O., Andersson, M., & Söderström, U. (2023). Cookies and Trust: Trust in organizations and the design of cookie consent prompts. In A. Dix, I. Reppa, C. Westling, H. Witchel, S. Safin, G. van der Veer, J. MacInnes & R. Bond (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2023, Article 18. New York, NY: ACM.
(isbn: 979-8-4007-0875-6)
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Open access

(C51) Söderström, U., Harlin, O., Norberg, O., & Mejtoft, T. (2023). How work-related communication applications affect stress among employees. In A. Dix, I. Reppa, C. Westling, H. Witchel, S. Safin, G. van der Veer, J. MacInnes & R. Bond (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2023, Article 8. New York, NY: ACM.
(isbn: 979-8-4007-0875-6)
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Open access

(C50) Tjärnhage, A., Söderström, U., Norberg, O., Andersson, M., & Mejtoft, T. (2023). The Impact of Scrollytelling on the Reading Experience of Long-Form Journalism. In A. Dix, I. Reppa, C. Westling, H. Witchel, S. Safin, G. van der Veer, J. MacInnes & R. Bond (Eds.), Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2023, Article 6. New York, NY: ACM.
(isbn: 979-8-4007-0875-6)
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(C49) Rosenlind, E., Söderström, U., Norberg, O., Cripps, H., & Mejtoft, T. (2023). Young adults’ attitude towards digital payment methods and financial responsibility. In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, R. Bons, G. Ongena, M. Heikkilä & D. Vidmar (Eds.), 36th Bled eConference: Digital Economy and Society: The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability (pp. 395–405). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor University Press.
(isbn: 978-961-286-751-5)
Download @ University of Maribor Press

Open access

(C48) Mejtoft, T., Parsjö, E., Norberg, O., & Söderström, U. (2023). Design friction and digital nudging: The impact on the human decision-making process. In 2023 5th International Conference on Image, Video and Signal Processing (IVSP 2023) (pp. 183–190). New York, NY: ACM.
(isbn: 978-1-4503-9838-1/23/03)
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Open access

(C47) Mejtoft, T., Lindahl, H., Norberg, O., Andersson, M., & Söderström, U. (2023). Enhancing digital social interaction using augmented reality in mobile fitness apps. In 2023 5th International Conference on Image, Video and Signal Processing (IVSP 2023) (pp. 95–100). New York, NY: ACM.
(isbn: 978-1-4503-9838-1/23/03)
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Open access

(C46) Söderström, U., Larsson, W., Lundqvist, M., Norberg, O., Andersson, M., & Mejtoft, T. (2022). Haptic feedback in first person shooter video games. In A. Ebert, T. Lachmann, K. Dreßler, J. Lindblom & R. Reinhard (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, Article 24. New York, NY: ACM.
(isbn: 978-1-4503-9808-4)
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(C45) Mejtoft, T., Hedlund, J., Cripps, H., Söderström, U., & Norberg, O. (2021). Designing call to action: Users’ perception of different characteristics. In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, R. Bons, H. Cripps, A. Sheombar & D. Vidmar (Eds.), 34th Bled eConference: Digital Support from Crisis to Progressive Change (pp. 409–420). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor University Press.
(isbn: 978-961-286-485-9)
Download @ University of Maribor Press

(C44) Mejtoft, T., Frängsmyr, E., Söderström, U., & Norberg, O. (2021). Deceptive design: Cookie consent and manipulative patterns. In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, R. Bons, H. Cripps, A. Sheombar & D. Vidmar (Eds.), 34th Bled eConference: Digital Support from Crisis to Progressive Change (pp. 397–408). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor University Press.
(isbn: 978-961-286-485-9)
Download @ University of Maribor Press

(C43) Mejtoft, T., Lagerhjelm, L., Söderström, U., & Norberg, O. (2021). Creative Capabilities of Machine Learning: Evaluating music created by algorithms. In P. Marti, O. Parlangel & A. Recupero (Eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, Article 12. New York, NY: ACM.
(isbn: 978-1-4503-8757-6)
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(C42) Mejtoft, T., Lindmark, T., Söderström, U., & Cripps, H. (2020). The user experience of personalized content. In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, R. Bons, H. Cripps, A. Sheombar & D. Vidmar (Eds.), 33rd Bled eConference: Enabling Technology for a Sustainable Society: Conference Proceedings (pp. 147–158). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor University Press.
(isbn: 978-961-286-362-3)
Download @ University of Maribor Press

(C41) Cripps, H., Singh, A. K., Mejtoft, T., & Salo, J. (2020). Crowdsourcing through Twitter for innovation. In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, R. Bons, H. Cripps, A. Sheombar & D. Vidmar (Eds.), 33rd Bled eConference: Enabling Technology for a Sustainable Society: Conference Proceedings (pp. 185–200). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor University Press.
(isbn: 978-961-286-362-3)
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(C40) Söderström, U., Carlsson, L., & Mejtoft, T. (2019). Comparing millennials view on minimalism and maximalism in web design. In M. Mulvenna & R. Bond (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (pp. 92–95). New York, NY: ACM.
(isbn: 978-1-4503-7166-7)
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(C39) Söderström, U., Hellgren, M., & Mejtoft, T. (2019). Evaluating electronic ink display technology for use in drawing and note taking. In M. Mulvenna & R. Bond (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (pp. 108–113). New York, NY: ACM.
(isbn: 978-1-4503-7166-7)
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(C38) Mejtoft, T., Hale, S., & Söderström, U. (2019). Design Friction: How intentionally added friction affect users level of satisfaction. In M. Mulvenna & R. Bond (Eds.), Proceedings of the 31st European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (pp. 41–44). New York, NY: ACM.
(isbn: 978-1-4503-7166-7)
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(C37) Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., Berglund, S., Dlacic, J., & Torbarina, M. (2019). Internationalization of students’ learning using online technology: Lessons learned. In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, R. Bons, J. Seitz, H. Cripps & D. Vidmar (Eds.), 32nd Bled eConference: Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society: Conference Proceedings (pp. 1099–1107). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor Press.
(isbn: 978-961-286-280-0) 
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(C36) Mejtoft, T., Ristiniemi, C., Söderström, U., & Mårell-Olsson, E. (2019). User experience design and digital nudging in a decision making process. In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, R. Bons, J. Seitz, H. Cripps & D. Vidmar (Eds.), 32nd Bled eConference: Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society: Conference Proceedings (pp. 427–442). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor Press.
(isbn: 978-961-286-280-0)
Download @ University of Maribor Press

(C35) Mejtoft, T., Hellman, D., & Söderström, U. (2019). Reclaiming control over personal data with blockchain technology: An exploratory study. In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, R. Bons, J. Seitz, H. Cripps & D. Vidmar (Eds.), 32nd Bled eConference: Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society: Conference Proceedings (pp. 411–425). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor Press.
(isbn: 978-961-286-280-0)
Download @ University of Maribor Press

(C34) Mejtoft, T., Långström, A., & Söderström, U. (2018). The effect of skeleton screens: Users’ perception of speed and ease of navigation. In ECCE’18: Proceedings of the 36th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE2018), Article 22. New York, NY: ACM.
(isbn: 978-1-4503-6449-2)
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(C33) Söderström, U., Bååth, M., & Mejtoft, T. (2018). The users time perception: The affects of various animation speeds on loading screens. In ECCE’18: Proceedings of the 36th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE2018), Article 21. New York, NY: ACM.
(isbn: 978-1-4503-6449-2)
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(C32) Fahlman, E., Mejtoft, T., & Cripps, H. (2018). Evaluation of push notifications for social media applications. In A. Pucihar, M. Kljajić Borštnar, P. Ravesteijn, J. Seitz & R. Bons (Eds.), 31st Bled eConference: Digital Transformation: Meeting the Challenges: Conference Proceedings (pp. 317–329). Maribor, Slovenia: University of Maribor Press.
(isbn: 978-961-286-170-4)
Download @ University of Maribor Press

Open access

(C31) Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., Bahtiri, B., & Söderström, U. (2017). Use of image recognition of social media. In L. Robinson, L. Brennan & M. Reid (Eds.), ANZMAC 2017: Marketing for Impact – Conference Proceedings (pp. 271–278). Melbourne VIC, Australia: RMIT University.
(issn: 1447-3275)
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(C30) Mejtoft, T., Lindberg, L., Söderström, U., & Mårell-Olsson, E. (2017). Feedback in commercial educational applications: Guidelines and conceptual framework. In Proceedings of European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2017 (ECCE 2017) (pp. 113–120). New York, NY: ACM.
(isbn: 978-1-4503-5256-7)
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(C29) Cripps, H., Mejtoft, T., & Singh, A. K. (2016). The role of Twitter in B2B knowledge exchange and innovation. In J. Ogunleye (Ed.), Research papers on knowledge, innovation and enterprise, volume IV (pp. 27–45). KIE Conference Publications.
(isbn: 978-1-85924-232-2)
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Open access

(C28) Papworth, S., & Mejtoft, T. (2015). Using game mechanics for motivational design in products and services. In A. Sinha, J. Cadeaux & T. Bucic (Eds.), 2015 ANZMAC conference Innovation and growth strategies in marketing: Conference proceedings (pp. 1047–1054). ANZMAC.
(issn: 1441-3582)
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Open access

(C27) Mejtoft, T., Yderfält, Å., & Mejtoft, S. (2015). Customer centric innovation processes and timing to deliver renewed value in mature and declining industries: A case study of the graphic arts industry [abstract]. In 2015 ANZMAC conference – Innovation and growth strategies in marketing: Poster session abstracts (p. 4). ANZMAC/UNSW Australia Business School.
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Open access

(C26) Mejtoft, T., Mejtoft, S., Palmér, A., Östin, V., Viklund, A., Papworth, S., Berg, M., & Johansson, R. (2015). Open innovation processes in the newspaper industry. In A. Sinha, J. Cadeaux & T. Bucic (Eds.), 2015 ANZMAC conference – Innovation and growth strategies in marketing: Conference proceedings (pp. 84–91). ANZMAC/UNSW Australia Business School.
(issn: 1441-3582)
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(C25) Mejtoft, T. (2015). Media industry dynamics: Competitive and flexible company structures using concurrent sourcing. In Proceedings 11th world media economics and management conference (pp. 942–967). Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.
(isbn: 978-858876991-5)

(C24) Mårell-Olsson, E., Mejtoft, T., & Jahnke, I. (2015). Designing for collaborative learning expeditions by using wearable technology and smart glasses. In O. Lindwall, P. Häkkinen, T. Koschmann, P. Tchounikine & S. Ludvigsen (Eds.), Exploring the material conditions of learning: The computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) conference 2015, volume 2 (pp. 689–690). Gothenburg, Sweden: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
(isbn: 978-0-9903550-7-6; issn: 1573-4552)
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(C23) Mejtoft, T., Mejtoft, S., Palmér, A., Östin, V., Viklund, A., Papworth, S., Berg, M., & Johansson, R. (2015). Interaction design processes to facilitate changing business models in the newspaper industry: A case study of In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2253–2258). New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery.
(isbn: 978-1-4503-3146-3)
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(C22) Appelgren, E., Leckner, S., & Mejtoft, T. (2014). The media consumers’ conscious and unconscious choices A key to understanding the news media consumption of tomorrow. In S. Zlitni, F. Liénard, D. Dula & C. Crumiére (Eds.), Communication électronique, cultures et identités (pp. 521–528). Editions Klog.
(isbn: 979-10-92272-02-4)
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Open access

(C21) Mejtoft, T. (2013). Concurrent sourcing as a competitive advantage: A case study of the graphic arts industry. ANZMAC2013 Conference Proceedings, Article 334. Auckland, New Zealand: The University of Auckland Business School.
(issn: 1447-3275)
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Best Case Study at the CHI'13 Conference

(C20) Kvarnbrink, P., Fahlquist, K., & Mejtoft, T. (2013). Biometric interaction – A case study of visual feedback and privacy issues in new face recognition solutions. In CHI 2013 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 2367–2370). New York, NY: Association for Computing Machinery.
(isbn: 978-1-4503-1952-2)
Paper awarded “Best Case Study” by ACM/SIGCHI at the CHI’13 Conference (top 1% of 1’963 submissions).
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Open access

(C19) Mejtoft, T. (2012). Relationships for survival – Changes in the media industry. ANZMAC 2012 Proceedings, Article 381. Adelaide SA, Australia: University of South Australia.
(issn: 1447-3275)
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Open access

(C18) Mejtoft, T. (2011). Enhancing customer relations using customized printing. ANZMAC 2011 Conference Proceedings, Article 219. Perth WA, Australia: Edith Cowan University.
(isbn: 978-0-646-56330-5)
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Open access

(C17) Mejtoft, T., & Gulliksson, H. (2011). Open sustainability: Supporting citizen co-creation for sustainability. ANZMAC 2011 Conference Proceedings, Article 280. Perth WA, Australia: Edith Cowan University.
(isbn: 978-0-646-56330-5)
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(C16) Mejtoft, T. (2011). Internet of things and co-creation of value. In F. Xia, Z. Chen, G. Pan, L. T. Yang & J. Ma (Eds.), 2011 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things, and Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (pp. 672–677). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
(isbn: 978-0-7695-4580-6)
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(C15) Fahlqvist, K., Mejtoft, T., & Karlsson, J. (2011). Social media game concept within the digital zoo: New ways of connecting a tourist attraction with its visitors. In F. Xia, Z. Chen, G. Pan, L. T. Yang & J. Ma (Eds.), 2011 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things, and Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (pp. 170–177). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
(isbn: 978-0-7695-4580-6)
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(C14) Mejtoft, T., & Viström, M. (2010). Vertical integration and the commercial printing industry. Paper at the IX World Media Economics and Management Conference, Bogotá, Colombia.

Open access

(C13) Mejtoft, T. (2009). Competitive and flexible company structures using vertical integration and cooperation: Empirical studies of the commercial printing industry. In N. Beaumont (Ed.), 23rd ANZAM Conference 2009 Sustainability Management and Marketing, Article 46. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management.
(isbn: 1-86308-157-7)
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Open access

(C12) Mejtoft, T., & Nordin, Å. (2009). Print as a channel for relationship marketing: A study of the Swedish printing industry. In D. Tojib (Ed.), Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2009, Article 213. Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy.
(isbn: 1-86308-158-5)
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(C11) Mejtoft, T. (2009). Moving closer to the customers: Effects of vertical integration in the Swedish commercial printing industry. Academy of Marketing Conference AM09, Article 280. Leeds Metropolitan University.
(isbn: 978-0-9560099-6-8)

Open access

(C10) Mejtoft, T., & Nordin, Å. (2008). Cooperation and competition: The case of the Swedish commercial printing industry. In D. Spanjaard, S. Denize & N. Sharam (Eds.), Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference 2008. Promaco Conventions Pty/Anzmac.
(isbn: 1-86308-143-7)
Paper awarded “Award for Best Paper: Business Interaction, Relationships and Networks” by Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy at the ANZMAC 2008 Conference.
Paper awarded “Best Paper Customer Relationship Management” by Elsevier Science & Technology Books at the ANZMAC 2008 Conference.

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Open access

(C9) Mejtoft, T., & Viström, M. (2008). Importance of short delivery times and geographic market in the printing industry: A comparison between digital and conventional printing. In N. Enlund & M. Lovrecek (Eds.), Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol. XXXV (pp. 45–54). Darmstadt, Germany: International Association of Research Organizations for the Information, Media and Graphic Industries.
(isbn: 978-3-9812704-0-2)
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Open access

(C8) Packmohr, S., & Mejtoft, T. (2008). Transaction costs and their influence on institutional arrangements A comparison between the Swedish and the German printing industry. In N. Enlund & M. Lovrecek (Eds.), Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol. XXXV (pp. 55–66). Darmstadt, Germany: International Association of Research Organizations for the Information, Media and Graphic Industries.
(isbn: 978-3-9812704-0-2)
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Open access

(C7) Mejtoft, T., & Nordin, Å. (2008). Organized alliances in the printing industry. In N. Enlund & M. Lovrecek (Eds.), Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol. XXXV (pp. 37–43). Darmstadt, Germany: International Association of Research Organizations for the Information, Media and Graphic Industries.
(isbn: 978-3-9812704-0-2)
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Open access

(C6) Viström, M., & Mejtoft, T. (2007). Importance of short production runs, variable data printing and web interfaces A comparison of digital and conventional printing houses. In N. Enlund & M. Lovrecek (Eds.), Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol. XXXIV (pp. 337–343). Zagreb, Croatia: Acta Graphica Publishers.
(isbn: 978-953-7292-04-1)
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Open access

(C5) Mejtoft, T., & Viström, M. (2007). Positioning in the printing industry Differentiation in terms of price, lead time, print quality and flexibility. In N. Enlund & M. Lovrecek (Eds.), Advances in Printing and Media Technology, Vol. XXXIV (pp. 327–336). Zagreb, Croatia: Acta Graphica Publishers.
(isbn: 978-953-7292-04-1)
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(C4) Viström, M., & Mejtoft, T. (2007). The importance of agility in the packaging printing industry. In Á. Halldórsson & G. Stefánsson (Eds.), The 19th Annual NOFOMA Conference Proceedings (pp. 1111–1123). University of Iceland/Reykjavík University.

(C3) Gidlund, Å., Mejtoft, T., & Demnert, S. (2007). Significance of print quality in variable data printing. TAGA 2007 Proceedings, 213–226.
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(C2) Mejtoft, T., & Nordin, Å. (2007). Strategic alliances in the digital printing industry. TAGA 2007 Proceedings, 38–62.
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(C1) Mejtoft, T. (2006). Perceived satisfaction by customers in the digital printing value system. TAGA 2006 Proceedings, 486–511.
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Conference publications (D)

(D12) Hallberg, P. Lindahl, O., Öhberg, F., Pommer, L., Jonzén, K., Andersson, B. M., Eklund, A., Wåhlin, A., Nikolajeff, F., & Mejtoft, T. (2022). Medtech Innovation Guide: En empirisk modell för att stödja medicinteknisk innovation [Poster/Abstract]. In Medicinteknikdagarna 2022: Abstracts (p. 95). Svensk Medicinteknisk Förening.
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Open access

(D11) Mejtoft, T., Lindahl, O., Öhberg, F., Pommer, L., Jonzén, K., Andersson, B., Eklund, A., Wåhlin, A., Nikolajeff, F., Sundström, N., & Hallberg, P. (2021). MedTech Innovation Model [abstract]. Contribution at Medicinteknikdagarna 2021 (online), Lund, Sweden.
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(D10) Mejtoft, T., Andersson, B., Pommer, L., Jonzén, K., Ramser, K., Wåhlin, A., Eklund, A., Lindahl, O., & Hallberg, P. (2019). Kan en branschspecifik innovationsmodell öka ”success rate” för medicintekniska innovationer? [abstract]. Contribution at Medicinteknikdagarna 2019, Linköping, Sweden.

(D9) Mejtoft, T. (2019). Social interaction based on technology [abstract]. Invited keynote presentation at the Umedev Conference, Umeå, Sweden. 
Keynote presentation.

(D8) Mejtoft, T. (2014). Competitive advantage by customer collaboration: A case study of the graphics arts industry [poster]. Contribution at the ANZMAC 2014 Conference, Brisbane, Australia.

(D7) Sonning, S., Mejtoft, T., Ternström, S., & Lyberg Åhlander, V. (2014). Reliability of voice SPL estimations with an air-coupled microphone fastened to the neck [abstract]. Contribution at the XXII Annual Pacific Voice Conference (PVC), Kraków, Poland.
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(D6) Mejtoft, T., & Nilsson Helander, K. (2013). Smart TV and user experience: Social interaction and marketing opportunities [poster]. Contribution at the ANZMAC 2013 Conference, Auckland, New Zealand.

(D5) Sonning, S., Lindström, F., & Mejtoft, T. (2013). VoxLog: Experiences from practical use of a voice data collection system [abstract]. Contribution at the 3rd Occupational Voice Symposium: The Voice at Work, London, UK.

(D4) Mejtoft, T., & Gulliksson, H. (2011). Open sustainability: Supporting local community and citizen interaction for sustainability [abstract]. Contribution at the CO2Free Conference, Örnsköldsvik, Sweden.

(D3) Mejtoft, T. (2009). Strategies in the commercial printing industry [poster]. Contribution at the 5th Annual ROND Conference, Mid Sweden University, Örnsköldsvik, Sweden.

(D2) Mejtoft, T. (2009). Cooperation and strategic alliances in the commercial printing industry [poster]. Contribution at the 5th Annual ROND Conference, Mid Sweden University, Örnsköldsvik, Sweden.

(D1) Mejtoft, T. (2006). Strategies and business models in digital printing [poster]. Contribution at the 2nd Annual ROND Conference, Mid Sweden University, Örnsköldsvik, Sweden.

Reports (G)

(G4) Cripps, H., Mejtoft, T., & Singh, A. K. (2016). The role of Twitter in business to business relationships. Edith Cowan University.

(G3) Gulliksson, H., & Mejtoft, T. (2011). Open sustainability: Supporting local community and citizen interaction for sustainability. Interaction and Media Technology Report 1/2011, Umeå University.

(G2) Mejtoft, T. (2005). The cost of digital printing in newspaper production. STFI-Packforsk Report 111, STFI-Packforsk.
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(G1) Mejtoft, T. (2004). Current business models for newsprint-on-demand. STFI Report CW 249, STFI-Packforsk.

Pedagogical publications (I)

(I33) Fong-Emmerson, M., Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., & Blöcker, C. (2023). Boosting students’ employability with interdisciplinary international experience [abstract]. In M. Thyne & S. Biggemann (Eds.), ANZMAC 2023: Marketing for Good – Conference Proceedings (p. 388). Otago, New Zealand: University of Otago/Anzmac.
(issn: 1447-3275)
Download @ University of Otago

(I32) Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., Fong-Emmerson, M., & Blöcker, C. (2023). Enhancing Professional Skills Among Engineering Students by Interdisciplinary International Collaboration. In G. Reilly, M. Murphy, B. V. Nagy, & H.-M. Järvinen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education (pp. 2486–2495). Dublin, Ireland: Technological University Dublin/European Society for Engineering Education.
(isbn: 978-2-87352-026-7)
Download @ TU Dublin

Open access

(I31) Norgren, N., Mejtoft, T., & Blöcker, C. (2023). Conceptual Tests as a Learning Activity in a Short-Format Introductory Python Programming Course [abstract]. In Abstracts: Universitetspedagogiska Konferensen 2023: Högskolepedagogiska pärlor 30 år av utveckling och erfarenheter (pp. 47–48). Umeå universitet.
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Open access

(I30) Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., Fong-Emmerson, M., Kvarnbrink, P., & Blöcker, C. (2023). International Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Developing Professional Skills and Fostering a Community of Practice [abstract]. In Abstracts: Universitetspedagogiska Konferensen 2023: Högskolepedagogiska pärlor 30 år av utveckling och erfarenheter (p. 56). Umeå universitet.
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Open access

(I29) Söderström, U., & Mejtoft, T. (2023). Skapa förståelse hos ingenjörsstudenter för den egna rollen i utvecklingen av ett hållbart samhälle [abstract]. In Abstracts: Universitetspedagogiska Konferensen 2023: Högskolepedagogiska pärlor 30 år av utveckling och erfarenheter (p. 57). Umeå universitet.
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(I28) Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., Fong-Emmerson, M., Kvarnbrink, P., & Blöcker, C. (2023). Developing Professional Skills and Fostering a Community of Practice [abstract]. Contribution at the ECUlture 2023 Conference, Edith Cowan University, Perth WA, Australia.

(I27) Blöcker, C., Mejtoft, T., & Norgren, N. (2023). Python in a week – Conceptual tests for learning and course development. In R. Lyng, J. Bennedsen, L. Bettaieb, N. R. Bodsberg, K. Edström, M. S. Guðjónsdóttir, J. Roslöf, O. K. Solbjørg & G. Øien (Eds.), The 19th CDIO International Conference: Proceedings Full Papers (pp. 470–480). Trondheim, Norway: NTNU SEED/CDIO Initiative.
(isbn: 978-82-303-6186-3; issn: 2002-1593)
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(I26) Cripps, H., Mejtoft, T., Fong-Emmerson, M., & Blöcker, C. (2023). Professional skills resulting from an interdisciplinary international collaboration [abstract]. Contribution at Western Australia Teaching and Learning Conference, Perth WA, Australia.

(I25) Cripps, H., Mejtoft, T., Fong-Emmerson, M., Lambert, C., & Blöcker, C. (2023). Spanning physical, cultural and discipline boundaries through international digital collaboration [abstract]. Contribution at the the 8th IAFOR International Conference on Education, Honolulu HI, US.
Read more @ IAFOR

(I24) Brink, S., Schedin, S., Vikström, S., Mejtoft, T., & Sjoer, E. (2022). Curriculum agility at faculty, department, program, an d course level. In H.-M. Järvinen, S. Silvestre, A. Llorens & B. Nagy (Eds.), 50th annual conference of the European society for engineering education: Proceedings (1872–1877). Barcelona, Spain: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya/European Society for Engineering Education.
(isbn: 978-84-123222-6-2)
Download @ SEFI

(I23) Fong-Emmerson, M., Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., & Blöcker, C. (2022). Boosting students’ employability with interdisciplinary international experience [abstract]. Contribution at the ECUlture 2022 Conference, Edith Cowan University, Perth WA, Australia.

(I22) Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., & Blöcker, C. (2022). International professional skills: Interdisciplinary project work. In M. S. Gudjonsdottir, H. Audunsson, A. Manterola Donoso, G. Kristjansson, I. Saemundsdóttir, J. T. Foley, M. Kyas, A. Sripakagorn, J. Roslöf, J. Bennedsen, K. Edström, N. Kuptasthien & R. Lyng (Eds.), 18th CDIO International Conference: Proceedings Full Papers (pp. 453–464). Reykjavik, Iceland: Reykjavik University/CDIO Initiative.
(isbn: 978-9935-9655-6-1; issn: 2002-1593)
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Open access

(I21) Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., & Blöcker, C. (2022). Internationalization at home: An international interdisciplinary experience. In H. Håkansson (Ed.), Bidrag från 8:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar (pp. 49–53). Karlstad University.
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(I20) Cripps, H., Mejtoft, T., & Blöcker, C. (2021). Bridging the Digital Gap – ECU Umea [abstract]. Contribution at the ECUlture 2021 Conference (online), Edith Cowan University, Perth WA, Australia.

(I19) Cripps, H., Mejtoft, T., & Blöcker, C. (2020). “Sweden Calling” – The challenges and rewards of Zooming across disciplines, time zones and hemispheres [abstract]. Contribution at the ECUlture 2020 Conference (online), Edith Cowan University, Perth WA, Australia.

Open access

(I18) Winka, K., Bränberg, A., Bek, A., Broman, K., Holmström, S., Mattson, S., Mejtoft, T., & Ågren, P-O. (2020). Pedagogiskt mentorskap för hållbart lärarskap. In NU2020 Abstracts (pp. 222–223).
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(I17) Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., Berglund, S., & Blöcker, C. (2020). Sustainable international experience: A collaborative teaching project. In J. Malmqvist, J. Bennedsen, K. Edström, N. Kuptasthien, A. Sripakagorn, J. Roslöf, I. Saemundsdottir & M. Siiskonen (Eds.), The 16th International CDIO Conference: Proceedings – Full Papers Volume 2(2) (pp. 196–205). Gothenburg, Sweden: Chalmers University of Technology/CDIO Initiative.
(isbn: 978-91-88041-27-2; issn: 2002-1593)
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Open access

(I16) Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., & Berglund, S. (2020). International experience by interdisciplinary collaborative teaching. In L. Pettersson & K. Bolldén (Eds.), Bidrag från 7:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar (pp. 166–168). Luleå, Sweden: Luleå Tekniska Universitet.
(isbn: 978-91-7790-605-6)
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Open access

(I15) Mejtoft, T., & Winka, K. (2019). Vad ger ett lärarutbyte. In Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2019: Helhetssyn på undervisning kropp, känsla och kognition i akademin (p. 45). Umeå universitet.
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Open access

(I14) Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., & Berglund, S. (2019). Sustainable international experience: Lessons learned from an interdisciplinary teaching project. In Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2019: Helhetssyn på undervisning – kropp, känsla och kognition i akademin (pp. 43–44). Umeå universitet.
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Open access

(I13) Mejtoft, T., Cripps, H., Berglund, S., & Singh, A. (2018). Collaborative teaching project to increase students’ international experience: Experience from interweaving units in Australia and Sweden. In NU2018 – Abstrakt, Abstract 650.
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Open access

(I12) Mejtoft, T., & Söderström, U. (2018). Intressentfokuserade oberoende longitudinella utvärderingar. In L. Peterson, K. Edström, O. Gedda, F. Georgsson, L. Lycke & M. Arehag (Eds.), Proceedings från 6:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar. Gothenburg, Sweden: Chalmers tekniska högskola.
(isbn: 978-91-88041-11-1)
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(I11) Cripps, H., Mejtoft, T., & Singh, A. (2017). The use of a business simulation through an online collaboration platform to improve students’ collaborative and communication skills [abstract]. Contribution at the ECUlture 2017 Conference, Perth WA, Australia.

Open access

(I10) Mejtoft, T., & Vesterberg, J. (2017). Integration av generiska kunskaper inom ingenjörsutbildning. In Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2017: Undervisning i praktiken – föreläsning, flexibelt eller mitt emellan? (pp. 38–41). Umeå universitet.
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(I9) Mejtoft, T., & Vesterberg, J. (2017). Integration of generic skills in engineering education: Increased student engagement using a CDIO approach. In R. Brennan, K. Edström, R. Hugo, J. Roslöf, R. Songer & D. Spooner (Eds.), The 13th International CDIO Conference – Proceedings Full Papers (pp. 386–395). University of Calgary/CDIO Initiative.
(isbn: 978-0-88953-399-8; issn: 1796-9964)
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(I8) Mejtoft, T. (2016). Integrating business skills in engineering education: Enhancing learning using a CDIO approach. In J. Björkqvist, K. Edström, R. J. Hugo, J. Kontio, J. Roslöf, R. Sellens & S. Virtanen (Eds.), The 12th international CDIO conference proceedings – Full papers (pp. 689–698). Turky, Finland: Turku University of Applied Sciences/CDIO Initiative.
(isbn: 978-952-216-610-4; issn: 1796-9964/2002-1593)
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Open access

(I7) Mejtoft, T. (2016). Lärande för ingenjörsrollen: Ömsesidigt värdeskapande i samverkan mellan utbildning och näringsliv. In S. Pålsson & B. Victor (Eds.), Proceedings från 5:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges Ingenjörsutbildningar (pp. 106–109). Uppsala, Sweden: Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University.
(issn: 1404-3203; Technical report 2016-002)
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(I6) Mejtoft, T. (2015). Lärande för yrkesrollen: Värdet av affärsmässigt tänkande inom dagens ingenjörsutbildning. In Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2015: Gränslös kunskap (pp. 43–45), Umeå universitet.

(I5) Mejtoft, T. (2015). Näringslivssamverkan för ökat aktivt lärande och konkret värdeskapande. In Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2015: Gränslös kunskap (pp. 46–48), Umeå universitet.
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(I4) Mejtoft, T. (2015). Industry based projects and cases: A CDIO approach to students’ learning. Proceedings of the 11th international CDIO conference, Article 22. Chengdu University of Information Technology.
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(I3) Näslund, E., & Mejtoft, T. (2015). The effect of reducing the time spent on traditional lectures. Proceedings of the 11th international CDIO conference, Article 45. Chengdu, China: Chengdu University of Information Technology.
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Open access

(I2) Mejtoft, T. (2014). Näringslivskopplad utveckling som lärform: Projekt och case inom interaktionsdesign [abstract]. In NU2014 Abstracts (p. 134). Umeå University.
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(I1) Mejtoft, T., Gulliksson, H., & Holmgren, U. (2013). Affärsmässig ingenjörsutbildning. In 4:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges Ingenjörsutbildningar (pp. 122–126). Umeå University
(issn: 0348-0542; UMINF 13:21)

Monographs (X)

Open access

(X2) Mejtoft, T. (2008). Institutional arrangements and competitive posture: Effects of company structures in the commercial printing industry. Doctoral Dissertation, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
(isbn: 978-91-7415-148-0)
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Open access

(X1) Mejtoft, T. (2006). Strategies in the digital printing value system. Licentiate Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
(isbn: 91-7178-475-6)
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Editorial work (Y)

(Y9) Mejtoft, T., Söderström, U., Norberg, O., & Freidovich, L. B. (Eds.). (2021). Proceedings of the 21st student conference in interaction technology and design. Interaction and Media Technology Report Series No 2/2021. Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, Umeå University.

(Y8) Mejtoft, T. (Ed.). (2018). Proceedings of the 15thstudent conference in interaction technology and design – Full papers. Digital Media Lab report series No 3/2018. Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, Umeå University.

(Y7) Mejtoft, T. (Ed.). (2018). Proceedings of the 15thstudent conference in interaction technology and design – Abstracts. Digital Media Lab report series No 2/2018. Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, Umeå University.

(Y6) Mejtoft, T. (Ed.). (2018). Proceedings of the 14thstudent conference in interaction technology and design & 4thstudent conference in electronics and mechatronics 2018. Interaction and media technology report series No 1/2018. Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, Umeå University.

(Y5) Mejtoft, T. (Ed.). (2017). Proceedings of the 13thstudent conference in interaction technology and design. Interaction and media technology report series No 1/2017. Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, Umeå University.

(Y4) Mejtoft, T. (Ed.). (2016). Proceedings of the 12thstudent conference in interaction technology and design. Interaction and media technology report series No 1/2016. Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, Umeå University.

(Y3) Mejtoft, T. (Ed.). (2015). Proceedings of the 11thstudent conference in Human information – thing Interaction technology. Interaction and media technology report series No 1/2015. Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, Umeå University.

(Y2) Drewes, F., Gulliksson, H., Mejtoft, T., & Zechner, N. (Eds.) (2013). Proceedings of Umeå’s 17thStudent Conference in Computing Science, USCCS 2013.2. Department of Computer Science, Umeå University.
(UMINF 13.17 / issn: 0348-0542)

(Y1) Bensch, S., Drewes, F., Gulliksson, H., & Mejtoft, T. (Eds.) (2012). Proceedings of Umeå’s 15thStudent Conference in Computing Science, USCCS 2012. Department of Computer Science, Umeå University.
(UMINF 12.02 / issn: 0348-0542)

*Quote from the song Changes (Bowie, 1971).
Bowie, D. (1971). Changes. On Hunky Dory [LP]. RCA.

(Structure first published by Thomas Mejtoft: 2006-06-05; Revised: 2019-01-19; Last updated: 2024-04-24)