Ever since I was a kid, I have traveled the world. Both in reality and in my imagination. Because my parents dragged us around Europe every summer in our car, I now go all around the world to embrace other cultures.
I am a traveler
I love to create experiences, I love engineering, and I love education. I work everyday to contribute to high quality education, create learning experiences, and to give students a possibility to develop their skills and make a difference.
I am an educator
My passion is to see the world from different perspectives and in different contexts, not only when I travel and when I teach. I want to study the world, find new solutions, and analyze the complexity we live in.
I am a researcher
I am an Associate Professor of Media Technology, appointed Excellent Teacher at UmeÃ¥ University. I hold dual MSc degrees in Engineering Physics and Business from UmeÃ¥ University and a PhD in Media Technology from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm. I am the recipient of UmeÃ¥ University’s Faculty of Science and Technology’s Pedagogical Prize for my efforts to inspire students and teachers to take part in creative high quality education and the Vice-Chancellor’s Award at Edith Cowan University as part of a team of teachers working with giving students inspiring international experiences. Between 2011-2023, I was the director of the highly rated integrated five-year Master of Science program in Interaction Technology and Design at UmeÃ¥ University. I have been a visiting scholar at the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore and the School of Business and Law at Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Perth, Australia. My research and teaching interests include not only media technology, interaction technology, interaction design and students’ learning, but also value creation, concurrent sourcing, marketing issues and technological changes connected to the media and the media industry. My work have been published in e.g. Journal of Strategic Marketing, Journal of Media Business Studies and Industrial Marketing Management and has been presented at numerous international conferences within different areas including best paper awards at the Anzmac and CHI conferences.

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Traveling the world
"Every day we encounter experiences that might change our lives. All these experiences shape us, and we shape them."Ever since I was a kid I have been traveling the world. I used to say it’s my parents fault for dragging me around Europe every summer in our car, that I have to go all around the world embrace other cultures. Waking up in the morning having breakfast in Bryant Park, feeling the calm in the sacred temples of Angkor, looking out at the wilderness in Mongolia, encountering the wildlife in Australia, snorkeling the reefs of Fiji and watching the sun set in Key West. The world has so much to offer, and it’s inescapable… I have collected my photos from many of my trips around the world on my site:
Pedagogical work
"Since the very first time I was teaching back in 1996, I have been working with students, postgraduate students and pupils, as teacher, lecturer and supervisor, on every single level of the Swedish education system."I love UX, I love engineering and I love educational experiences. I work everyday to contribute to high quality education where creating learning experiences and giving students a possibility to develop their skills is a big part of my life. I’m the director of Umeå University’s 5-year Master of Science study program in Interaction Technology and Design and I’m teaching UX Engineering, Media Technology, Interaction Technology and Business development at the Department of Applied Physics and Electronics at Umeå University. In 2015 I was appointed Merited Teacher at Umeå University and as of 2016 I reached the highest level of promotion, as Excellent Teacher, in the Pedagogical Merit Model at Umeå University. I’m also the 2016 recipient of the Faculty of Science and Technology’s Pedagogical Prize at Umeå University.
"The source of knowledge should be free; Share your research!"My passion is to see the world in different perspectives and contexts, not only when I travel and when I teach. I am an Associate Professor of Media Technology at Umeå University and I hold a PhD from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). I have been conducted research since 2003 not only within areas such as media and interaction technology in persuasive systems along with business development and strategies for implementation of new technology, but also value creation, marketing issues and technological changes connected to the media and the media industry. I have published in e.g. Journal of Strategic Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management and Journal of Media Business Studies and have presented at numerous international conferences including a best case study paper award at the CHI Conference in 2013 and two best paper awards at the Anzmac 2008 conference. My research is collected in my research portfolio: